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Job Rotation Practices in Accounting Firm: Its Effect on Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction Level

by Virginia M. Bautista, Arnold M. Perez, August Anthony N. Balute, Jamaica G. Gonzales
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 167 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Virginia M. Bautista, Arnold M. Perez, August Anthony N. Balute, Jamaica G. Gonzales

Virginia M. Bautista, Arnold M. Perez, August Anthony N. Balute, Jamaica G. Gonzales . Job Rotation Practices in Accounting Firm: Its Effect on Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction Level. International Journal of Computer Applications. 167, 6 ( Jun 2017), 9-12. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913886

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Most manufacturing organizations, unlike other types of business activities, are normally utilizing a total labor for bookkeeping capacities. Essential capacities among others incorporate monetary, general, cost, speculation, settled resources, treasury, payables, receivables, finance and tax assessment and administrative prerequisites. Staying and working in just a single capacity of representing a drawn out stretch of time now and then makes worker get exhausted and wasteful. To stay away from this, there are very quantities of preparing advancement programs which are accessible to be received by an association to build representatives' abilities, gifts, and information. These preparation strategies are intended to inspire, illuminate, refresh, familiarize and instruct workers on what to do along these lines guaranteeing productivity in the bookkeeping operation of an association. Among the different strategies accessible to the administration of an association is the example that makes it conceivable to move representatives from one capacity to the next every now and then, to gain information and abilities of what is reachable in different ranges of their work. This sort of preparing is alluded to occupation revolution. It gives the worker the chance to create abilities in an assortment of evolving occupations.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Job rotation transfer & training Job satisfaction performance and productivity