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Design of1PID Controller9using ABC9for9Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension System with Passenger Seat

by Ammar A. Aldair, Turki Y. Abdalla, Eman Badee Alsaedee
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 167 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Ammar A. Aldair, Turki Y. Abdalla, Eman Badee Alsaedee

Ammar A. Aldair, Turki Y. Abdalla, Eman Badee Alsaedee . Design of1PID Controller9using ABC9for9Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension System with Passenger Seat. International Journal of Computer Applications. 167, 11 ( Jun 2017), 18-27. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017914370

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%A Turki Y. Abdalla
%A Eman Badee Alsaedee
%T Design of1PID Controller9using ABC9for9Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension System with Passenger Seat
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This paper present a modeling and control of the nonlinear full vehicle active suspension system with passenger seat utilizing PID with artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm technique. Five PID controllers are used . The main objective of designing the controller is to improve the performance of suspension system , while the aim of suspension system in automobiles is to isolate the road disturbance experienced by the tires from being transmitted to the passengers. The effects of the nonlinear forces which come from damper, spring , actuator and parametric uncertainty in the spring, damper and actuator has been considered, therefore robust control is utilized. The MATLAB environment is utilized to determine the performance of the proposed control scheme. A comparison is performed to illustrate the effectiveness of PID-ABC controller in terms of modifying the ride comfort and the safety of travelling passengers.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Artificial bee colony algorithm PID control tuning eight degrees of freedom vehicle model non linear active suspensions Matlab/Simulink simulation.