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Performance Analysis of Spectrum Sharing based on Bayesian Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks

by Priyesh Roushan, Rupesh Kumar Jha, Piyush Chawla
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 166 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Priyesh Roushan, Rupesh Kumar Jha, Piyush Chawla

Priyesh Roushan, Rupesh Kumar Jha, Piyush Chawla . Performance Analysis of Spectrum Sharing based on Bayesian Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 166, 6 ( May 2017), 22-27. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017914045

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This paper addresses the comparison of spectrum sensing methods between the ARQ Retransmission technique in the context of cognitive radio with the standard detection method using Bayesian approach and drawing the inferences using the results. Two different types of spectrum sharing are taken namely conservative and aggressive and compared with legacy, Bayesian approaches. And two of them do not introduce any breakdown to the primary users who are using the spectrum and the main difference between them is that conservative does not interrupt the primary operations and whenever primary needs spectrum it will provide, but in aggressive, sometimes it may not allow the spectrum to primary user until the secondary user releases the spectrum which decreases the throughput of primary. The results have been obtained and inferences are taken.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


ARQ Bayesian conservative Aggressive spectrum sharing spectrum sensing.