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Modified Approach of Cluster Algorithm to Analysis Road Accident

by Reeta Bhardwaj, Ridhi, Rajeev Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 166 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Reeta Bhardwaj, Ridhi, Rajeev Kumar

Reeta Bhardwaj, Ridhi, Rajeev Kumar . Modified Approach of Cluster Algorithm to Analysis Road Accident. International Journal of Computer Applications. 166, 2 ( May 2017), 24-28. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913934

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Road accident is one of the crucial areas of research in India. A variety of research has been done on data collected through police records covering a limited portion of highways. The analysis of such data can only reveal information regarding that portion only; but accidents are scattered not only on highways but also on local roads. A different source of road accident data in India is Emergency Management Research Institute (EMRI) which serves and keeps track of every accident record on every type of road and cover information of entire State’s road accidents. In this paper, we have used data mining techniques to analyze the data provided by in which we first cluster the accident data and further association rule mining technique is applied to identify circumstances in which an accident may occur for each cluster. The results can be utilized to put some accident prevention efforts in the areas identified for different categories of accidents to overcome the number of accidents also the parameters of the proposed approach is compared with the existing approach on the basis of time and accuracy and proves that the proposed technique has better performance.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Mining Road Accidents Association Rule Mining.