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Automatic Question Paper Generator System

by Fenil Kiran Gangar, Hital Gopal Gori, Ashwini Dalvi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 166 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Fenil Kiran Gangar, Hital Gopal Gori, Ashwini Dalvi

Fenil Kiran Gangar, Hital Gopal Gori, Ashwini Dalvi . Automatic Question Paper Generator System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 166, 10 ( May 2017), 42-47. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017914138

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title = { Automatic Question Paper Generator System },
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Information and intelligence are two vital columns on which development of humankind rise and knowledge has significant impact on operating of society. Student assessment is a crucial part of teaching and is done through the process of examinations and preparation of exam question papers has consistently been a matter of interest. Present-day technologies assist the teacher to stock the questions in a computer databases but the problem which emerges is how the present day technologies would also assist the teachers to automatically create the variety sets of questions from every now and then without worry about replication and duplication from the previous exam while the question bank keeps growing, so a non-automatic path for conniving a exam paper would not be able to serve to this need so in this paper we introduce an automated way which would permit the operation of conniving exam paper to be further well organized and productive and it would also aid in developing a database of questions which could be further classified for blending of exam question paper, currently there is no systematic procedure to fortify quality of exam question paper. Hence there appears a requirement to have a system which will automatically create the question paper from teacher entered description within few seconds. In this paper we have implemented a modern evolutionary path that is able to manage multi-constraints issue along with creating question papers for examinations in autonomous institutes from a very vast question bank database. This paper describes the utilization of randomization algorithm in an Automatic Question paper Generator System which has been implemented specially for autonomous institutes. The endeavor needed for generating question paper is diminished after the implementation of this advanced system and because of this advanced system there is no obligation for humans to ponder and employ time which can be utilized on some additional important duty instead of designing question paper.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Questions Selection Question Paper Generation Difficulty level Random logic PDF file Question paper format pattern composer question aggregator