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Selection of Optimum Routing Protocol for 2D and 3D WSN

by Robin Chadha, Love Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 165 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Robin Chadha, Love Kumar

Robin Chadha, Love Kumar . Selection of Optimum Routing Protocol for 2D and 3D WSN. International Journal of Computer Applications. 165, 2 ( May 2017), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913788

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A Wireless Sensor Network is a network of sensor nodes with sensing, conditioning and communication capabilities. All these sensors nodes are deployed in the wireless sensor network in distributed manner. These Sensor nodes rely on their onboard batteries for the energy required for performing their operations. Recharging or Replacement of these batteries is quite difficult. So Several Research efforts are made from many decades to introduce the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) routing technology with energy efficient manners. In this paper, an experimental evaluation of energy efficiency of routing protocols like dummy, adaptive probabilistic broadcast and adaptive flooding is presented for both 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional scenario of 100 nodes WSN. The computation of energy efficiency of these routing protocols is totally based on the comparative results of parameters like mean energy consumption, average dropped frames and latency of nodes with respect to number of packets transmitted. The computation of these wireless sensor networks are performed using OMNET++ 4.5 with MIXIM module.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


2D & 3D WSN Energy consumption latency routing protocols OMNET ++.