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E-Cupboard System: Review on Digital License Generation using Fingerprint Authentication

by Arvind Kelgandre, Ganesh Bagul, Tushar Khairnar, Swapnil Lade, Archana Shinde
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 165 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Arvind Kelgandre, Ganesh Bagul, Tushar Khairnar, Swapnil Lade, Archana Shinde

Arvind Kelgandre, Ganesh Bagul, Tushar Khairnar, Swapnil Lade, Archana Shinde . E-Cupboard System: Review on Digital License Generation using Fingerprint Authentication. International Journal of Computer Applications. 165, 12 ( May 2017), 24-28. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017914095

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title = { E-Cupboard System: Review on Digital License Generation using Fingerprint Authentication },
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issue_date = { May 2017 },
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%A Arvind Kelgandre
%A Ganesh Bagul
%A Tushar Khairnar
%A Swapnil Lade
%A Archana Shinde
%T E-Cupboard System: Review on Digital License Generation using Fingerprint Authentication
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

To issue driving license is a very tedious task for the government to monitor. While driving, it is very difficult task to carry all documents which required for driving purpose. E-cupboard is RTO document checking using fingerprint authentication web based system. Our system has User (requesting driving license) login, admin login and Traffic police login type. To check documents traffic police will take fingerprint, ADHAR card number as input. It will open profile of user which include issued document list. The list have document list which can be viewed by traffic police. If driver doesn’t have valid document then automatically fine/penalty will be generated according to rules. On the other side RTO office have all digital document which have stored in centralized database. If person wants to generate his license then he should submit all required information, document and fingerprint on E-cupboard System. Then E-cupboard System issue digitalized license and digital image of fingerprint which is stored in centralized database. Same process is used to generate smart card and RC book.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital license RTO E-cupboard system fingerprint authentication fingerprint matching algorithm digital license fingerprint authentication fingerprint recognition.