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An Optimization Rough Set Boundary Region based Random Forest Classifier

by Prerna Diwakar, Anand More
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 165 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Prerna Diwakar, Anand More

Prerna Diwakar, Anand More . An Optimization Rough Set Boundary Region based Random Forest Classifier. International Journal of Computer Applications. 165, 10 ( May 2017), 39-43. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017914024

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title = { An Optimization Rough Set Boundary Region based Random Forest Classifier },
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Machine learning is a concerned with the design and development of algorithms. Machine learning is a programming approach to computers to achieve optimization .Classification is the prediction approach in data mining techniques. Decision tree algorithm is the most common classifier to build tree because of it is easier to implement and understand. Attribute selection is a concept by which we want select attributes that are more significant in the given datasets. We proposed a novel hybrid approach combination of Rough Set with Boundary Region and Random Forest algorithm called Rough Set Boundary Region based Random Forest Classifier (RSBRRF Classifier) which is use to deal with uncertainties, vagueness and ambiguity associated with datasets. In this approach, we select significant attributes based on rough set theory with boundary region as an input to random forest classifier for constructing the decision tree is more efficient and scalable approach for classification of various datasets.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Rough Set Boundary Region Decision Tree Random Forest.