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Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication

by Satish Khadke, Sayyed Mustafa, Syed Akhtar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 163 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Satish Khadke, Sayyed Mustafa, Syed Akhtar

Satish Khadke, Sayyed Mustafa, Syed Akhtar . Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication. International Journal of Computer Applications. 163, 6 ( Apr 2017), 5-8. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913543

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Data deduplication began to emerge approximately ten years ago, but has only recently become a important technology and also it is one of important data compression techniques to eliminate duplicate copies of data. Different from traditional deduplication systems, the differential privileges of users are further considered in duplicate check besides the data itself. Here new deduplication constructions supporting authorized duplicate check in this hybrid cloud architecture are presented. Security analysis demonstrates that our scheme is secure in terms of the definitions specified in the proposed security model. We show that our proposed authorized duplicate check scheme incurs minimal overhead compared to normal operations.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Authorized duplicate check deduplication hybrid cloud private cloud public cloud security algorithms