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Reseach Article

A Review of Various Scheduling Techniques Considering Energy Efficiency in WSN

by Rajwinder Kaur, Sandeep Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 162 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Rajwinder Kaur, Sandeep Sharma

Rajwinder Kaur, Sandeep Sharma . A Review of Various Scheduling Techniques Considering Energy Efficiency in WSN. International Journal of Computer Applications. 162, 8 ( Mar 2017), 33-38. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913395

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In advanced computing the Wireless Sensor Networks becomes the need of hour. The resources which are used in Wireless sensor Networks are limited in numbers. Resources are required to be allocated wisely to perform the numerous tasks in which job scheduling is always considered to be a key feature. Wireless sensor network has many sensor nodes as which are considered to be main components. Sensor node has limited energy and storage capabilities. So energy consumption in this field during scheduling is a biggest issue. This issue is carried out by many researchers and legion of algorithms are devised for achieving energy efficiency during scheduling of resources in wireless sensor networks. In this paper we have focused both the moving and stationery nodes for our study. Moving nodes are considered to be more prone to energy loss as compared to static nodes. This paper aims to study various techniques used to perform scheduling among such nodes to minimize energy consumption.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Sensor Network Job Scheduling Fixed Nodes Stationery Nodes Energy Consumption