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Reseach Article

Public Audit for Cloud Computing Environment: A Review

by Tejashri A. Patil, Ashish T. Bhole
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 162 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Tejashri A. Patil, Ashish T. Bhole

Tejashri A. Patil, Ashish T. Bhole . Public Audit for Cloud Computing Environment: A Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 162, 7 ( Mar 2017), 5-9. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913372

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The cloud computing in its various form allow users to store information at remote location and reduce load at local system. Even though it is an advantage still drawback exists such as remote storage. The major security issues in cloud computing such as lack of data control, lack of trust and multi-tenancy are reviewed. The cloud computing and its service and deployment models are discussed by ways which the present security issues in cloud computing are prevented. Ensuring cloud data integrity and privacy seems to be the major issue. To overcome unauthorized access of data by cloud service providers and data users, verification is performed through trusted third party auditor. The cloud auditing needs to be performed and data security also needs to be ensured without the knowledge of the actual data stores at cloud. Researcher shows keen interest to provide a cloud framework, which preserves the privacy and ensures the integrity of cloud data. The paper reviews privacy preserving public audit schemes in cloud computing environment.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud environment cloud computing audit trust security