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Security Management in Network Visualization Environment by using modified root management algorithm for Creation of Virtual Node and Virtual Link

by Navin Mani Upadhyay, Kumari Soni, Arvind Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 162 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Navin Mani Upadhyay, Kumari Soni, Arvind Kumar

Navin Mani Upadhyay, Kumari Soni, Arvind Kumar . Security Management in Network Visualization Environment by using modified root management algorithm for Creation of Virtual Node and Virtual Link. International Journal of Computer Applications. 162, 6 ( Mar 2017), 37-43. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913367

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%A Navin Mani Upadhyay
%A Kumari Soni
%A Arvind Kumar
%T Security Management in Network Visualization Environment by using modified root management algorithm for Creation of Virtual Node and Virtual Link
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In the present days the data on particular topic availability is huge and massive. The network virtualization plays very important role in the field of internet. Since Virtual networks have emerged as a powerful and flexible platform for the future network. The dependability of virtual services relies on the network’s capabilities and capabilities include virtual nodes and links to maintain the virtualization. Due to existence of the multiple confliction policies, services and alternations to the existing internet there are some limitations occur according to the following features: robust routing, efficient search, scalability, decentralization, fault tolerances, trust and authentications; so this era needs network virtualization technique. But the difficulties with the network virtualization are Instantiation means creating virtual networks, logistics means runs them; Management means manage them, and Interactions. The creation of virtual networks is very difficult but the researchers from all over the globe will always trying to resolve it according to their way. So this is referred as future work also. The proposed algorithm in this paper is useful to create virtual node and link for network virtualization. There are already some techniques available to create the virtual network but they are not showing the exact structure which will be required. This paper introduces an algorithm to managing the virtual node and virtual link in any virtual network.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Network virtualization Virtual networks Virtual Node Virtual Link InPs ISPs