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Reseach Article

A Comparative Study on Usage of Data Mining Techniques in Healthcare Sector

by Ahsan Humayun, Adeel Waqar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 162 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Ahsan Humayun, Adeel Waqar

Ahsan Humayun, Adeel Waqar . A Comparative Study on Usage of Data Mining Techniques in Healthcare Sector. International Journal of Computer Applications. 162, 6 ( Mar 2017), 13-15. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913331

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title = { A Comparative Study on Usage of Data Mining Techniques in Healthcare Sector },
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Recent advancement in the data mining technique has provided a platform to numerous applications in healthcare sector. It has become an active research area due to its large scale potential. In this survey, we have tried to present the application areas of data mining approaches specifically in the healthcare sector. The different approaches of the data mining and where they are used is also described in the paper. In this work, we have also tried to explain the different challenges faced by the data mining techniques in order to implement them. This survey also covers the pros and cons of the data mining techniques in healthcare. Data mining techniques have a tremendous future and it should be taken at its earliest because of the significant importance of the healthcare issues.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Mining Healthcare Classification Regression Clustering Association Data Mining Applications Data Mining Challenges