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Reseach Article

Dynamic Object and Target based Gaming CAPTCHA for Better Security Analysis

by Vipin Kumar, Atul Barve
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 162 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Vipin Kumar, Atul Barve

Vipin Kumar, Atul Barve . Dynamic Object and Target based Gaming CAPTCHA for Better Security Analysis. International Journal of Computer Applications. 162, 5 ( Mar 2017), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913285

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A technique which is used to identify whether user is human or robot is called CAPTCHA. This technique has been using from last few decades for security concern, it is a kind of Turing test. Usually, distorted alphabets are generally used for this kind of test, because it has been known that, it is easy to analyze the distorted letters by human but not by robot or bots. But now there are so many intelligent machines which can recognize these alphabets, so the security has been broken. Then there are so many researchers have been made over this security, like OTP based, moving letters, 3d letters and gaming CAPTCHA. But somewhere somehow they are lacking with their complexities or breakable approach. Gaming CAPTCHA was the best and modern approach for providing better security in the field of CAPTCHA. But the gaming level is weak with static targets or objects, which may be breakable for somehow because robot will have infinite time to break game by analyzing and targeting static objects and targets. So to overcome this problem a new promising concept has been proposed in this paper i.e. “Dynamic Object & Target based Gaming CAPTCHA for Better Security Analysis”, it is most attractive and cognitive way in the world of CAPTCHA. This CAPTCHA will have dynamic target and objects, it means that target and object will be in motions and user will be asked to drag and drop these moving object to the moving target even within limited time or session, which is easily possible for human but almost impossible for robot.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


CAPTCHA Drag and Drop Game Session Time etc.