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Security Issues and Solutions in Wireless Sensor Networks

by Rutuja Jadhav, Vatsala
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 162 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Rutuja Jadhav, Vatsala

Rutuja Jadhav, Vatsala . Security Issues and Solutions in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 162, 2 ( Mar 2017), 14-19. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913256

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This paper focuses and talks about the wide and varied areas of applications wireless sensor networks have taken over today, right from military surveillance and smart home automation to medical and environmental monitoring. It also gives a gist why security is a primary issue of concern even today for the same, discussing the existing solutions along with outlining the security issues and suggesting possible directions of research over the same. This paper is about the security of wireless sensor networks. These networks create new security threats in comparison to the traditional methods due to some unique characteristics of these networks. A detailed study of the threats, risks and attacks need to be done in order to come up with proper security solutions. Here the paper presents the unique characteristics of these networks and how they pose new security threats. There are several security goals of these networks. These goals and requirements must be kept in mind while designing of security solutions for these networks. It also describes the various attacks that are possible at important layers such as data-link, network, physical and transport layer.

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  24. Wireless Sensor Networks Attacks and Solutions Naser Alajmi Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of BridgeportInternational Journal of Computer Science and Information Security
  25. Secure Wireless Sensor Networks: Problems and Solutions Fei Hu * Jim Ziobro ** Jason Tillett *** Neeraj K. SharmaIEEE Vol 1- Number 4
  26. Security in Wireless Sensor Networks By Koffka Khan, Wayne Goodridge & Diana RagbirGlobal Journal of Computer Science and Technology Network, Web & Security Volume 12 Issue 16 Version 1.0
  27. A Survey of Attacks, Security Mechanisms and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks Dr. G. Padmavathi, Prof and Head, Dept. of Computer Science Mrs. D. Shanmugapriya, Lecturer, Dept. of Information Technology, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, India
  29. Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Luis Javier Garcaí Villalba *, Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco, Alicia Triviño Cabrera and Cláudia Jacy Barenco Abbas
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Sensor Network sensor nodes threats attacks solutions security scheme limitations