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Intrusion Detection System for Wireless ADHOC Network using Time Series Techniques

by M. Ashikur Rahman, Sabbir M. Saleh, Syed Maruful Huq
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 162 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: M. Ashikur Rahman, Sabbir M. Saleh, Syed Maruful Huq

M. Ashikur Rahman, Sabbir M. Saleh, Syed Maruful Huq . Intrusion Detection System for Wireless ADHOC Network using Time Series Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 162, 1 ( Mar 2017), 38-42. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913408

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title = { Intrusion Detection System for Wireless ADHOC Network using Time Series Techniques },
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%A M. Ashikur Rahman
%A Sabbir M. Saleh
%A Syed Maruful Huq
%T Intrusion Detection System for Wireless ADHOC Network using Time Series Techniques
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Computer security and intrusion detection has developed into progressively more significant in recent computer sector, which is providing security of confidential data and information. At present, different progress and advances of intrusion detection is applying and operating, although in consequence, these progressions are comparatively unsuccessful and ineffective. Latest resources and approaches will reduce these limitations. This thesis document is going to proposed a positive and vibrant analysis, concerning on trend analysis which will be effective to decrease and deal with intrusion in ADHOC network. In the ground of intrusion detection, research has been ongoing since about 20 years. Intrusion detection systems appear a second line of defense that recognizes a report attack in real time. Modern world provides the latest system of internet which is disputing for the security of information systems. For the lack of domain familiarity, Intrusion Detection system can fall squat to recognize new attack. To cope with latest attack, database should be rationalized time to time. Possibility of vulnerability to attacks increases for their flexible nature. A few intrusion detection systems which are used for wired network, those are not sufficient for Wireless and ADHOC networks. In ADHOC networks, it is significant for such slant that is proficient to intellect any variety of eccentric actions. In fact, it is out of ability of technology to detect each single contravention. In this research we are going to model an Intrusion Detection System using time series techniques for wireless ADHOC network by which it can detect intrusion. Time series is a technique which can analyze data. Then we will use an unsupervised learning method clustering, to detect intrusion.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Intrusion Detection System IDS Wireless ADHOC Network Time Series