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Reseach Article

Rapid World Development Method to Increase Web3D Implementation

by Mursid W. Hananto, Khabib Mustofa
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 161 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Mursid W. Hananto, Khabib Mustofa

Mursid W. Hananto, Khabib Mustofa . Rapid World Development Method to Increase Web3D Implementation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 161, 6 ( Mar 2017), 14-18. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913215

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Implementation of Web3D technologies on the Internet today apparently not much been done by enthusiasts or beginners in this field. One reason is the difficulty to undertake one of the important steps in it, that is, building the visual scenery which is also called the world. If the object is complex or increasingly detailed, it will be increasingly difficult to make its digital representation in the form of 3D object, especially when it is desired to resemble the original real-world object. Utilization of modeling software can help the developers to cut the difficulty and development time, but the modeling software will generate a document file which can not be directly published online by first time developers or beginners who do not have a deep understanding on the document format they use. A guide is required for them so that they can quickly produce the world they need and ready to be published. The method proposed in this paper assumes the prospective developers use 3D modeling software that can export the resulting world to a Web3D standard format. The emphasis of this method is to assist the developers so that they can produce a world deserves to be accessed by users on the Internet, in a short time.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Web3D rapid world development method.