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Remote Sensing Satellite Image Processing Techniques for Image Classification: A Comprehensive Survey

by Sowmya D. R., P. Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K. R.
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 161 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Sowmya D. R., P. Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K. R.

Sowmya D. R., P. Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K. R. . Remote Sensing Satellite Image Processing Techniques for Image Classification: A Comprehensive Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications. 161, 11 ( Mar 2017), 24-37. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913306

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This paper is a brief survey of advance technological aspects of Digital Image Processing which are applied to remote sensing images obtained from various satellite sensors. In remote sensing, the image processing techniques can be categories in to four main processing stages: Image pre-processing, Enhancement, Transformation and Classification. Image pre-processing is the initial processing which deals with correcting radiometric distortions, atmospheric distortion and geometric distortions present in the raw image data. Enhancement techniques are applied to preprocessed data in order to effectively display the image for visual interpretation. It includes techniques to effectively distinguish surface features for visual interpretation. Transformation aims to identify particular feature of earth’s surface and classification is a process of grouping the pixels, that produces effective thematic map of particular land use and land cover.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Classification Image Enhancement Remote Sensing Resolution Satellite Sensors