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Personalizing University Email toward User Acceptance: An Initial Study

by Bshaer Alwagadani, Khalid Alomar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 160 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Bshaer Alwagadani, Khalid Alomar

Bshaer Alwagadani, Khalid Alomar . Personalizing University Email toward User Acceptance: An Initial Study. International Journal of Computer Applications. 160, 5 ( Feb 2017), 17-23. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913050

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The purpose of this paper is to examine students and faculty members commitment of using university email in Saudi Arabia, using online survey at King Abdulaziz University. The paper describes an initial study conducted before the development of an experimental personalized email platform to investigate these issues. The survey targets 1847 students (1359 female and 488 male), and 101 faculty members (58 female, and 43 male). The results show that only 23% of students are using the university email to communicate regularly, unlike the faculty members who shows 80% commitment. Furthermore, the evidence from this study suggests that applying personalized techniques has a strong and positive impact on both types of respondents, and considered as a clue for a potential system improvement to increase users’ commitment of the university email.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


University email personalization adaptive system informal email acceptance