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ICT Characteristics of Tablets used on Children Learning Experience Case for Kalawa Primary School Kenya

by George Sino
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 160 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: George Sino

George Sino . ICT Characteristics of Tablets used on Children Learning Experience Case for Kalawa Primary School Kenya. International Journal of Computer Applications. 160, 2 ( Feb 2017), 13-17. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017912969

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Technology in teaching and learning is key to improving learning experience in the current generation where electronic media is a necessity. The government of Kenya launched a program to issue laptops to public class one primary school pupils with a common goal, i.e. to realize a better learning experience so us to cop up with the rapid growth of technology. Even though standards in various areas are already in place it was found necessary to focus on the ICT characteristics of the tablets being acquired and if contented with the tablets characteristics. Objective is to establish the effects of software, hardware, internet characteristics of tablets used on children learning experience case for Kalawa primary schools Kenya. Pragmatic approach was used to help us establish the direction and magnitude of the variables. The technique used was both qualitative and quantitative approach, the type of research is descriptive. 52 pupils completed close ended questionnaires. 9 pupils from the same sample size were interviewed. The hardware characteristic’s had a Sig. value of .039 less than 0.05 which statistically made a significant contribution in the learning experience. Limitation is that it may not be generalized when trying to deeply assess learning experience with tablets. Finally ICT characteristics have a great impact, good design features lead to a meaningful learning experience compared to a tablet with poor design features. Pupils were very much interested in using their tablets to learn this gives more learning opportunities to children in the country.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-Learning Effects Tablets ICT Characteristics Schools