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Reseach Article

Communication in Network using Wavelet Transform

by C. Parthasarathy, C.S. Ramanathan, Dr.S.K.Srivatsa
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 16 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: C. Parthasarathy, C.S. Ramanathan, Dr.S.K.Srivatsa

C. Parthasarathy, C.S. Ramanathan, Dr.S.K.Srivatsa . Communication in Network using Wavelet Transform. International Journal of Computer Applications. 16, 8 ( February 2011), 9-13. DOI=10.5120/2035-2733

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Huge amounts of digital visual data are stored on different media and exchanged over various sorts of networks nowadays. We propose new measures and techniques for encryption of image. We show that both statistical and pattern classification techniques using our proposed measures provide reasonable discrimination schemes for detecting embedding of different levels. We propose the use of wavelet transforms for steganalysis. As a consequence, techniques are required to provide security functionalities like privacy, integrity, or authentication especially suited for these data types. A relatively new field, denoted “Multimedia Security”, is aimed towards these emerging technologies and applications. Several dedicated international meetings have emerged as a forum to present and discuss recent developments in this field, among them “Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents” as the most important one. Further meetings are “Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS)” and the “ACM Multimedia Security Workshop”. Besides watermarking, steganography, and techniques for assessing data integrity and authenticity, providing confidentiality and privacy for visual data is among the most important topics in the area of multimedia security, applications range from digital copy rights management to secured personal communications.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Video Encryption Permutation steganalysis Wavelet filters