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Reseach Article

Study and Experimental Setup of Testing of Performance Parameters on Various Distributed File Systems

by Madhavi Vaidya, Shrinivas Deshpande
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 159 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Madhavi Vaidya, Shrinivas Deshpande

Madhavi Vaidya, Shrinivas Deshpande . Study and Experimental Setup of Testing of Performance Parameters on Various Distributed File Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 159, 9 ( Feb 2017), 23-27. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017913077

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title = { Study and Experimental Setup of Testing of Performance Parameters on Various Distributed File Systems },
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Distributed File System (DFS) is acting as an extension to file system which manages files and data on multiple storage devices and provides more performance and reliability using various modern techniques. Outside world only sees the distributed file system as a single storage device and it is nothing but an interface to a great extent. In case of failure or heavy load very few Distributed file systems provide location transparency and redundancy to improve the data availability. Significant challenges for such a distributed file system are extended to a large number of storage nodes and providing reasonably. In this paper, there is been a few performance collaborative parameters have been studied viz. replication, fault tolerance and load balancing experimentally on various DFS.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


DFS Hadoop Ceph Balancing