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A Review of Attribute based Encryption Technique for Security in Cloud Computing

by Etti Mathur, Manish Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 159 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Etti Mathur, Manish Sharma

Etti Mathur, Manish Sharma . A Review of Attribute based Encryption Technique for Security in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 159, 3 ( Feb 2017), 43-45. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017912895

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Cloud Computing is a talented model which based on cloud services and cloud providers. Cloud computing allows user to slightly store their data in server side. Cloud computing provides services which provides services on demand and anywhere. In data storage data security and privacy are the critical issues which provide data confidentiality and access control. Attribute based encryption is a prominent technique to which provides security and privacy in cloud computing environment. Data is encrypted and managed by data owner which eliminates data replication in cloud environment. In ABE there are many properties for encryption data which generates public key and used to control access to the user. In this survey we used access structures which are monotonic and non-monotonic etc.ABE techniques are analyzed for the cloud computing environment. In this paper we review the various scheme for encryption and finally we made a comparison by taking some criteria in the respect of cloud computing.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing Attribute based encryption Security Key policy cipher text policy hierarchical-ASBE.