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Moments Inequalities for NBRUrp Distributions with Hypotheses Testing Applications

by S. M. El-Arishy, L. S. Diab, E. S. El-Atfy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 159 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: S. M. El-Arishy, L. S. Diab, E. S. El-Atfy

S. M. El-Arishy, L. S. Diab, E. S. El-Atfy . Moments Inequalities for NBRUrp Distributions with Hypotheses Testing Applications. International Journal of Computer Applications. 159, 2 ( Feb 2017), 34-40. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017912879

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%T Moments Inequalities for NBRUrp Distributions with Hypotheses Testing Applications
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In this paper, we presented a new test statistic for testing exponentiality against new better than renewal used in the RP order NBRUrp based on moment inequality. Pitman's asymptotic efficiency, The Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency (PARE) are studied for other testes. Critical values are tabulated for sample size n=5(1)30(5)50 , the power of the test are calculate. Also we proposed a test for testing exponentiality versus NBRUrp for right censored data and the power estimates of this test are also simulated for some commonly used distributions in reliability. Finally, real data are given to elucidate the use of the proposed test statistic in the reliability analysis.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Life distributions NBRU rp aging class moment inequalities exponentiality U-statistic asymptotic normality efficiency Monte Carlo method power and censored data.