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Software with Biofeedback to Assist People with Down Syndrome

by D. Lima, M. Sousa, R. Araújo, J. Hannum, A. Da Rocha, T. Barbosa
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 158 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: D. Lima, M. Sousa, R. Araújo, J. Hannum, A. Da Rocha, T. Barbosa

D. Lima, M. Sousa, R. Araújo, J. Hannum, A. Da Rocha, T. Barbosa . Software with Biofeedback to Assist People with Down Syndrome. International Journal of Computer Applications. 158, 5 ( Jan 2017), 31-37. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017912847

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issue_date = { Jan 2017 },
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%A M. Sousa
%A R. Araújo
%A J. Hannum
%A A. Da Rocha
%A T. Barbosa
%T Software with Biofeedback to Assist People with Down Syndrome
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

Down syndrome is caused by the presence of three chromosomes 21 in all or most cells of a person [1]. A person with Down syndrome has different chronological and functional age, so the same response is not expected as those without the syndrome [2]. This deficiency stems from brain damage and functional imbalances of the nervous system, resulting in some learning difficulties, which can vary from basic literacy to performing daily activities. The applications developed in this work are intended to help these people in their literacy, while monitoring their attention levels and detecting their expressions. The assistance is provided through activities such as pairing vowels and matching words with corresponding images and sounds. On the other hand, a biofeedback algorithm called Attention Meter runs in parallel with the activities, monitoring the user’s attention during the execution. This algorithm is implemented as a framework that can be used by any application running Android or RemixOS. Finally, a performance report of the student engagement and learning is generated for a professional analysis, according to the attention level.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Biofeedback OpenCV Attention Activity Framework