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Migration of Data from One Cloud Server to another Cloud Server using the TCP-IP Protocol

by Dinesh Kumar, Praveen Dhyani, Anuj Kumar Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 157 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Dinesh Kumar, Praveen Dhyani, Anuj Kumar Sharma

Dinesh Kumar, Praveen Dhyani, Anuj Kumar Sharma . Migration of Data from One Cloud Server to another Cloud Server using the TCP-IP Protocol. International Journal of Computer Applications. 157, 4 ( Jan 2017), 27-31. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017912666

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Another territory of some hugeness that does not include a particular innovation is information administration. A few organizations had their movement specifically attached to their information administration activity, some had administration extends that weren't connected with the relocation, and others had no information administration set up. The remainder of these were 10% more averse to get on time and on spending ventures than the individuals who had some experience of information administration regardless of the possibility that that governance was not connected with the relocation extend. Truth be told, they prescribe that on the off chance that you have not already selected information administration then an information relocation venture is a decent place to begin in light of the fact that the work that you have to do—profile the information, scrub it, conceivably chronicle and cover it—are all the very same sorts of things that you would do inside an administration activity, in addition to different capacities, for example, developing a business glossary.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


SQL Data Migration IAAS PAAS SAAS Database etc