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Speculating the Travel Purposes of Passenger Groups in Railway Transportation System for Better understanding of Passengers

by Shirin A. Maniyar, Pooja K. Shinde
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 156 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Shirin A. Maniyar, Pooja K. Shinde

Shirin A. Maniyar, Pooja K. Shinde . Speculating the Travel Purposes of Passenger Groups in Railway Transportation System for Better understanding of Passengers. International Journal of Computer Applications. 156, 2 ( Dec 2016), 17-24. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912370

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There are different areas for speculations from the researcher’s point of view. Speculations about persons who are traveling together is a very interesting area for research. This presumption can benefit to many bearing services so that they can improve personalized carrier services and get more benefit from that presumptions. This will results a drastic change in bearing services. To get this benefit we have implemented a system, in which we have to perform iterative classification algorithm on data, which results presumption of passengers. We have to build Co-travel network first then we have to generate features to form a grouping of passengers then use iterative classification algorithm. Iterative classification algorithm collectively finds the overlapping of passengers from different groups and results speculation of passengers who are traveling together from same source to destination. Experimental results on data set of passenger travel record in the field of railway transportation system demonstrate that our proposed iterative classification approach can efficiently speculate the travel purposes of passenger group.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Speculate co-travel network iterative classification passenger group travel purpose collective inference.