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Design and Development of the Public Service Information: A Case Study of Villages in District East Tombariri, Minahasa-Indonesia

by Harson Kapoh, Fanny Doringin, Meiny M. Taju
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 156 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Harson Kapoh, Fanny Doringin, Meiny M. Taju

Harson Kapoh, Fanny Doringin, Meiny M. Taju . Design and Development of the Public Service Information: A Case Study of Villages in District East Tombariri, Minahasa-Indonesia. International Journal of Computer Applications. 156, 12 ( Dec 2016), 6-11. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912493

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Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics the population of Indonesia in 2010 was as much as 237 641 326 inhabitants. Number of people a lot of this must have an impact on service to the community. According to Law No.25 of 2009 standard of service can help with public service information system or information system and presented manually or electronically. We have also performed a literature review and found that the information in Minahasa, public services are still not optimal because there are some obstacles such as concepts of village administration that have not been implemented properly by the village government. For that reason, we also have to develop information systems for local public services Minahasa namely the villages in the district Tombariri East as a case study. The purpose of this study was to produce a concept of information system implemented in an application to help public service based multi-user in the villages in the district of Minahasa. This system has been designed to be used to service the needs of off line and on-line. This public information service system main function is to assist employees in the village to serve the manufacturing speed up the letters became public needs directly from the lowermost levels of government and is integrated with the village office. Also this system there is a facility storing data on population and letter formats required.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Usecase Diagram Entity Relationship Diagram Data Flow Diagram