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A Flexible and Efficient Algorithm for Generating Prime Numbers using Biometric Identity (Bio-PNGA)

by B. Indrani, M. Karthigai Veni
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 155 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: B. Indrani, M. Karthigai Veni

B. Indrani, M. Karthigai Veni . A Flexible and Efficient Algorithm for Generating Prime Numbers using Biometric Identity (Bio-PNGA). International Journal of Computer Applications. 155, 14 ( Dec 2016), 16-23. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912384

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A biometric based security system provides best on both authentication and confidentiality for public shared secret information. Enormous numbers of papers have been published by the researchers in this field. The generation of prime numbers plays the most important role in the public-key schemes, essentially as a major primitive needed for the creation of key pairs or as a computation stage appearing during various cryptographic setups. Most of the researchers have been made strong mathematical studies on primality testing and an observed progressive increase of cryptographic usages, prime number generation algorithms. Still not quite investigated and most of the real-life implementations are providing poor performance. Most of the common prime number generators typically output n-bit prime in heuristic average complexity

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Biometric Identity Prime numbers Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).