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A Patient-based Hospital Referral Decision Support System

by Adebayo Omotosho, Omotanwa Adegbola, Adelola Adebo
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 155 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Adebayo Omotosho, Omotanwa Adegbola, Adelola Adebo

Adebayo Omotosho, Omotanwa Adegbola, Adelola Adebo . A Patient-based Hospital Referral Decision Support System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 155, 10 ( Dec 2016), 38-43. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912459

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In this study, an electronic referral system was developed for general practitioners to send referrals electronically to providers. The electronic referral system aims at improving referral decisions by involving patients in the process. A database of hospital services in Lagos metropolis was developed and hospitals distance information were retrieved and computed using Google map. A provider selection model that uses a multi-attribute decision making function was adapted and implemented. The provider selection model selects optimal provider based on patients and providers determinants which contained fourteen criteria for referral decision. In the system’s output, hospitals were ranked by computing the average between provider and patient feedback factors, this differs from existing systems as the implemented system shows how introduction of patient participation can affect recommended hospitals. In conclusion, the result of this work is expected to improve referral decision support and patient participation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-Referral decision support system patient-based.