International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 155 - Number 10 |
Year of Publication: 2016 |
Authors: Rinku Kumar, Rajit Nair |
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Rinku Kumar, Rajit Nair . Multi-Cryptosystem based Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating Code based Cloud Storage. International Journal of Computer Applications. 155, 10 ( Dec 2016), 16-21. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912442
The huge amount of data coming from different outsource in cloud storage is to be regenerated by a couple of keys and it can be regenerate code using partial keys for securing the original data privacy against the TPA (Third party Audit). It uses proxy server to maintain the file in distributed storage system. A third party auditor(TPA) and semi trusted proxy server, both are implement to the data integrity checking and code regeneration in case of failed authentication and data block. So the design of framework structure system to access the huge amount data requires more cryptographic encryption system. The proposed work is used to design framework structure engineering with high cryptographic encryption technique. In cloud storage we require protection from different kinds of corruption, fault tolerance on data cordiality check in regenerating code based. It is very crucial matter to secure the data in cloud storage which uses working framework predominance of authorization values in four areas (User, TPA, Proxy Server and Cloud Server). The cryptography technique is used to kept secure information transforming and downloading inside specific location in cloud storage. Hence a new procedure is introduced here to checked data integrity with help of TPA (Third Party Auditor). The main purpose of auditing procedure is keep secure own data. This proposed auditing scheme makes use of either AES or DES algorithm for data block encryption. This works does not only introduce cloud related issues but also invents underlying information need to security on the cloud server.