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Anaphora Resolution in Bangla Language

by Tazbeea Tazakka, Md. Asifuzzaman, Sabir Ismail
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 154 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Tazbeea Tazakka, Md. Asifuzzaman, Sabir Ismail

Tazbeea Tazakka, Md. Asifuzzaman, Sabir Ismail . Anaphora Resolution in Bangla Language. International Journal of Computer Applications. 154, 9 ( Nov 2016), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912204

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In this paper we have discussed about our work of Anaphora resolution in Bangla. For solving this problem pronouns and verbs are considered as anaphor and their antecedent nouns. After trying several methods, first attempt was to find out if there is any relation among the classifications of pronouns and verb with those of nouns. That indicates to find out which types of pronouns refer to which type of nouns. But that process does not work as expected. This shows that, anaphor and antecedent in Bangla matches with each other in some factors that are also considered in other languages. Those are Number, Gender and Person. In case of personal pronouns in Bangla status of person can be differentiated such as Honorable, Normal and Negotiable. Experimenting with these factors proved that this method works well and give accuracy of around 80%. Though there are errors as, because of some nouns can have the same factors like the anaphor, they are not the antecedent in real.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Anaphora Antecedent Reference Resolution Bangla Language Processing.