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Hadoop: Bitcoin-BlockChain - A New Era Needed In Distributed Computing

by Lakshmana Kumar Yeddu, Shireesha Yeddu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 154 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Lakshmana Kumar Yeddu, Shireesha Yeddu

Lakshmana Kumar Yeddu, Shireesha Yeddu . Hadoop: Bitcoin-BlockChain - A New Era Needed In Distributed Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 154, 6 ( Nov 2016), 13-19. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912157

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Today, with the use of Internet, a huge volume of data been generated in the form of transactions, logs etc. As assessed, 90% of total volume of data generated since evaluation of Computers is from last 3 years only. It’s because of advancements in Data storage, global connectivity with Internet high speed, mobile applications usage and IoT. BigData Technologies aims at processing the BigData for deriving trend analysis and business usage from its BigData information. This paper highlights some of the security concerns that Hadoop implemented in its current version and need for some of the enhancements along with a new methodology such as Electronic Currency (BitCoin) and BlockChain functionality. And also emphasises on why and how BitCoin and BlockChain can fit in Hadoop Eco-Systems and their possible advantages and disadvantages. Especially, in validating and authorizing business transactions with some mathematical cryptographic techniques like hashcode with the help of BlockChain Miners.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Hadoop Security Hadoop BitCoin Hadoop Block Chain Hadoop Miners Hadoop EcoSystems Hadoop Cryptography Hadoop Block Size