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Reseach Article

Different Applications and Techniques for Sentiment Analysis

by Suad Alhojely
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 154 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Suad Alhojely

Suad Alhojely . Different Applications and Techniques for Sentiment Analysis. International Journal of Computer Applications. 154, 5 ( Nov 2016), 24-28. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912136

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Sentiment Analysis is a continuous field of research in the content mining field. Sentiment Analysis is the computational treatment of feelings, opinions, and subjectivity of content. This study paper handles an extensive review of the last upgrade in this field. Numerous as of late proposed calculations' improvements and different Sentiment Analysis applications are examined and displayed quickly in this review. Sentiment Analysis has as of late assumed a huge part for specialists since examination of online content is helpful for the statistical surveying political issue, business insight, on the web shopping, and logical overview from mental The related fields to Sentiment Analysis that pulled in analysts as of late are talked about. The fundamental focus of this review is to give almost a full picture of Sentiment Analysis is methods and the related fields with brief points of interest. The principle commitments of this paper incorporate the modern classifications of countless articles and the delineation of the late pattern of research in Sentiment Analysis and its related area.

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  25. 10. APPENDEX
  26. Consumer Review Processing Aspect Identification Sentiment Classification
  27. Overall Rating Aspect Evaluation
  28. Figure: Architecture Diagram
  29. /
  30. Figure2: Sentiment Analysis Classification Technique
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Opining Mining Sentiment Analysis Classification aspect ranking techniques