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A Categorized Review on Software Security Testing

by Neha Mahendra, Suhel Ahmad Khan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 154 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Neha Mahendra, Suhel Ahmad Khan

Neha Mahendra, Suhel Ahmad Khan . A Categorized Review on Software Security Testing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 154, 1 ( Nov 2016), 21-25. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912023

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The main objective of security testing is to check the weaknesses of the implemented security mechanism. It is done for finding the vulnerabilities of a system and to determine whether the system is protected from intruders or not. Security testing can be done prior to production or after the production of the system. But, if the security testing is done after the production, then cost will be more and the huge amount of rework will be required to remove the problems. Also the time between the vulnerability is get known and the malicious attack against it, is becoming less. Therefore it is required to include the security testing in the early phases of software development life cycle. The present paper deals with the review of software security testing approaches and techniques proposed so far. The review is presented in a categorized way and tabulated for the last one and half decade (2000-2015).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Security testing software development life cycle SDLC phase