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Metacognitive Mathematics Tutor: Mathematics Tutoring System with Metacognitive Strategies

by Asad Raza, Hameedullah Kazi, Muhammad Ali Nizamani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 153 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Asad Raza, Hameedullah Kazi, Muhammad Ali Nizamani

Asad Raza, Hameedullah Kazi, Muhammad Ali Nizamani . Metacognitive Mathematics Tutor: Mathematics Tutoring System with Metacognitive Strategies. International Journal of Computer Applications. 153, 4 ( Nov 2016), 21-31. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912000

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The key aim of this research was to investigate the metacognitive mathematics tutor impact on students learning and metacognition. Student needs special learning strategies to experience better learning in mathematics. Metacognitive Mathematics tutor is an intelligent tutoring system which supports three metacognitive learning strategies self explanation, self questioning and self monitoring. Metacognition is higher order thinking. Metacognitive strategies are learning strategies which supports student learning. Students can improve their learning through metacognition skills. Total 70 students were involved in evaluation of Metacognitive mathematics tutor, 35 were sixth and 35 were seventh grade students. Pretest and Posttest experimental design was used for evaluation. Students used mathematics practice sheet in pretest then in posttest they had used Metacognitive mathematics tutor. A quiz was conducted to measure learning while Jr. MAI version B was also given to assess metacognitive skills. Results show that students learning have increased and also their metacognition after using the metacognitive mathematics tutor. Statistically significant difference in results between pretest and posttest (Man-Whitney, p<0.05) have been observed.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Intelligent tutoring system Metacognition Learning Self explanation Self questioning Self monitoring