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Literature Survey on Door Lock Security Systems

by Pradnya R. Nehete, J. P. Chaudhari, S. R. Pachpande, K. P. Rane
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 153 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Pradnya R. Nehete, J. P. Chaudhari, S. R. Pachpande, K. P. Rane

Pradnya R. Nehete, J. P. Chaudhari, S. R. Pachpande, K. P. Rane . Literature Survey on Door Lock Security Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 153, 2 ( Nov 2016), 13-18. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016911971

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Today people are facing more problems about security in all over world, nowadays security is the most essential issue everywhere in the world; so security of everything gains higher and higher importance in recent years. Here in this paper, trying to reproduce the comprehensive literature study related to the various door locks and gate security systems that are necessary in the fields such as home, industries and vehicle security where possibilities of incursion are increasing day by day. In past days, the research is gone on various door lock security systems like traditional security systems which provide indications using alarm. Due to the advancement in recent techniques, some door lock security systems are based on microcontroller, GSM, GPS, many sensors, software like MATLAB, PROTEUS, biometrics like face recognition, Iris scanner, RFID, Smart Card and password etc. Each system has their own advantages and disadvantages. In most of systems, SMS technique is used for communication so the system will become cost effective, more reliable and it will take less time to deliver message. As security becomes major problem nowadays, the security monitoring systems today needs to make use of the latest technology. In some papers, the authors have presented door lock security monitoring system based on embedded and Zigbee and sometimes the lock is protected by automatic password hence it could not easily hack by hackers. Also the enhanced security systems are available based on android platform, wireless techniques and embedded systems. A lot of modification takes places in various Door lock security from the last few years, in next coming years many changes will takes place.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Door Lock Security GSM RFID SMS Sensors Camera Alarm Biometrics WI FI Password.