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OLWRED: Best Selected Strategy for Data Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks

by Wisam Mahmood Lafta, Saba Qasim Jabbar, Dheyaa Jasim Kadhim, Guangzhi Ma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 152 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Wisam Mahmood Lafta, Saba Qasim Jabbar, Dheyaa Jasim Kadhim, Guangzhi Ma

Wisam Mahmood Lafta, Saba Qasim Jabbar, Dheyaa Jasim Kadhim, Guangzhi Ma . OLWRED: Best Selected Strategy for Data Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 152, 4 ( Oct 2016), 11-15. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016911781

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%A Saba Qasim Jabbar
%A Dheyaa Jasim Kadhim
%A Guangzhi Ma
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The routing protocols are used for wireless networks, cannot be used for wired networks because of the network's mobility. A varying of network conditions with variety of routing protocols are analyzed to find an optimized path from a source to destination. Use the appropriate protocol strengthens the data transfer process and it is very necessary to ensure the speed of the flow of data traffic and to avoid the congestion due to a bottleneck in the network. There is a common major problem in wired and wireless networks (heterogeneous network) namely a congestion, which affects the speed and accuracy access packages. Congestion is the biggest challenge that appears when the transmission of data from the source to the destination and it can be measured by several parameters such as; network throughput, utilization of network and the queue delay. This paper proposed a new strategy representing the fast and suitable approach to transmit a huge data according to weight random early detection (WRED) strategy with different kind of wireless routing protocols (reactive routing protocols, proactive routing protocols and hybrid routing protocols), to get the best performance with heterogeneous network. The network performance is simulated using OPNET simulation software.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Heterogeneous networks Routing Congestion WRED OPNET.