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Robust Model Predictive Control with One Free Control Move for NCSs with Data Missing

by Jimin Yu, Xiaogang Gong
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 152 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Jimin Yu, Xiaogang Gong

Jimin Yu, Xiaogang Gong . Robust Model Predictive Control with One Free Control Move for NCSs with Data Missing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 152, 3 ( Oct 2016), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016911825

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title = { Robust Model Predictive Control with One Free Control Move for NCSs with Data Missing },
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%T Robust Model Predictive Control with One Free Control Move for NCSs with Data Missing
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Current hot issue of networked control systems(NCSs) remains how to optimize the signal transmission in imperfect links, especially, data missing(between the controller and actuator) is a potential source of poor performance of the control system. Here, stochastic variables satisfying markov jump process are used to describe the fading channel. Considering the uncertainty factor of plant, a practical compensation technique is utilized to minimize the effects caused by data dropout. Attention is paid to designing a useful control law to drive the closed-loop system stable and preserve a guaranteed infinite-horizon performance function, where the infinite-horizon control moves are parameterized as a free control move. Furthermore, the corresponding problems about recursive feasibility and stochastic stability are established by a set of linear matrix inequalities. Simulation results are shown to verify the performance of the proposed approach.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data missing polytoic model state feedback