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Analysis on Translation Quality of English to Hindi Online Translation Systems- A Review

by Ekta Gupta, Shailendra Shrivastava
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 152 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Ekta Gupta, Shailendra Shrivastava

Ekta Gupta, Shailendra Shrivastava . Analysis on Translation Quality of English to Hindi Online Translation Systems- A Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 152, 10 ( Oct 2016), 42-46. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016911749

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In developing countries like Asian country and India where English is mainly half-hour recognize there automatic computational linguistics systems in education, analysis and industrial activities of very necessary role. Asian country has state a large assembly in Hindi is the language you speak and in a number of areas it works in all kinds of study and official. Nowadays several on-line translator technologies use completely different computational linguistics approach. Like every translation approaches completely different characteristics, the outcome of the explanation would differ. Bing Translator and Google Translate free on-line machine translators is exploitation statistical computational linguistics each translators are of the most accepted. It keeps increasing the language selection and increasing its usability. As a result of the most important reverse characteristics of every machine translator services and their needed role for the development of machine translators mainly in web platform, it's determined to own a study concerning their comparison. Bing translator and Google translate within the whole world have to be obliged to use automatic on-line translation system is employed broadly in India is additionally as a outcome of it's a free and reliable. The aspire of this study is to make understanding concerning the different performance of the 2 on-line translation services due to the same actions they need. The experimentation designed is meant show however the 2 on-line translation services possess advantages and disadvantages which may have a consequence on their performance. Secondary aim of this study is to look for out the typical problems that will occur in translation between English and Hindi and to look for out from the 2 on-line translation services, which is more proper. To get a completely automatic top quality machine translation system is a troublesome task. In this document, we have a tendency to explain the web translation systems like Microsoft Bing Translator and Google Translate for English to Hindi translation and its conversion quality. Researches focused on survey of on-line translation resolutions for English to Hindi translation and examine its translation quality. The evaluation parameters that are considered here are Accuracy, translation speed, output fluency, Adequacy,

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Translation Quality Analysis Translation Quality of Online Translation System for English to Hindi Translation.