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Deployment of Distributed Defense against DDoS Attacks in ISP Domain

by Monika Sachdeva, Gurvinder Singh, Krishan Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 15 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Monika Sachdeva, Gurvinder Singh, Krishan Kumar

Monika Sachdeva, Gurvinder Singh, Krishan Kumar . Deployment of Distributed Defense against DDoS Attacks in ISP Domain. International Journal of Computer Applications. 15, 2 ( February 2011), 25-31. DOI=10.5120/1918-2561

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Distributed Denial of Service attacks pose a serious threat to the online applications like banking, trade, and e-commerce which are dependent on availability of Internet. Defending Internet from these attacks has become the need of the hour for sustainable development of any economy. Most of the research work in this area focuses on developing defense against these attacks without considering its practical deployment on the Internet. They evaluate the defense through simulation or experimenting in controlled environments. However a sincere thought is required to deploy these defense mechanisms in an incrementally acceptable way on the Internet. In this paper, the focus is on deployment aspect of defense system against DDoS attacks. The DDoS defense system in general is anatomized and need for distributed defense as compared to centralized defense has been highlighted. All possible defense locations on the Internet are critically analyzed for suitability of DDoS defense system deployment. A review of existing distributed defense schemes in terms of deployment is also carried out. Based on Internet structure, its working, and desired DDoS defense characteristics, ISP domain is chosen for deployment. However extending cooperation among ISPs and secure framework for communication among ISPs remain future concerns of our work.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DDoS Centralized defense Distributed Defense Deployment Detection Response