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A Novel Combined Method for Network Intrusion Detection Systems Aimed at Detecting Novel Attacks

by Mohammad Mehdi Masoumi, Marzieh Ahmadzadeh, Reza Javidan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 149 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Mohammad Mehdi Masoumi, Marzieh Ahmadzadeh, Reza Javidan

Mohammad Mehdi Masoumi, Marzieh Ahmadzadeh, Reza Javidan . A Novel Combined Method for Network Intrusion Detection Systems Aimed at Detecting Novel Attacks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 149, 5 ( Sep 2016), 50-54. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016911407

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%A Marzieh Ahmadzadeh
%A Reza Javidan
%T A Novel Combined Method for Network Intrusion Detection Systems Aimed at Detecting Novel Attacks
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Intrusion Detection Systems are important tools in computer networks security. To date, many practical methods have been proposed using data mining techniques, however, presence of novel is not considered in most of the proposed method. As the presence of novel attacks in the real world is unavoidable, proposing methods that consider novel attacks is crucial in this area of research. In this paper, a combined method has been presented for Network Intrusion Detection Systems using K-NN and K-Means clustering algorithm. A threshold has been used for detection of novel attacks. The proposed method is superior to a hybrid method in the literature that does not consider novel attacks, in which K-means clustering algorithm and K-Nearest Neighbor(K-NN) algorithm have been combined, in terms of accuracy, detection rate, and false alarm rate.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Network Intrusion Detection Hybrid Learning Network Security Data Mining