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Survey on Optimization Techniques of RFID for Internet of Things

by Komal Singh, Arun Aggarwal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 148 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Komal Singh, Arun Aggarwal

Komal Singh, Arun Aggarwal . Survey on Optimization Techniques of RFID for Internet of Things. International Journal of Computer Applications. 148, 9 ( Aug 2016), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016911260

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RFID is a radio frequency identification technology using radio waves to transfer the data between a reader and a tag. RFID allows the sensor to read from a distance without sight contact, a unique code associated with tags. Data stored on a tag is transferred through radio frequency linked by RFID tagging which is a form of automatic identification and data capture technology. RFID is used in wide range of area such as Supply chain management factory automation, traffic monitoring, real time monitoring of health, access control, warehouses, people tracking. RFID is a technology that has the possibility to make great economic impacts on many industries. In this paper, we proposed optimization techniques for RFID in internet of things. Optimization for an RFID reader is a technique to reduce the cost of hardware. There are several techniques which have been proposed like Ant colony optimization, Differential evolution, Particle swarm optimization, Genetic algorithm. In this paper, it will demonstrate and compare all the techniques and give more effectively and efficiently approaches that increase in network system of internet of things.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


RFID Optimization techniques IOT.