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A Frame Work to Estimate the Performance of Authentication Schemes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

by Deepak Kumar, Vinod Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 148 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Deepak Kumar, Vinod Kumar

Deepak Kumar, Vinod Kumar . A Frame Work to Estimate the Performance of Authentication Schemes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 148, 4 ( Aug 2016), 8-15. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909265

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An increasing growth has been witnessed in the last few year with respect to development of wireless and mobile communication networks. In MANETs, nodes are able to communicate through the use of wireless mediums, constituting dynamic topologies. The certificate-based authentication has a positive edge in wired networks. It's a significantly arduous task to adapt a certificate based authentication protocols for mobile ad hoc networks due to absence of fixed infrastructure or centralized management. A traditional certificate-based authentication system depends on a fixed trusted Certificate Authority (CA). In this case Certificate Authority (CA) takes the responsibility for the establishment, distribution, renewing, and revocation of certificates. The consideration of the fixed centralized network is not practically possible in MANETs, because of issues such as regular link breakdown, node mobility, and inadequate wireless medium. The numbers of approaches have been introduced, which focus on the challenges to adapt certificate-based authentication in a distributed way in mobile ad hoc networks. In this paper, some issues related to performance analysis of exiting authentication schemes have been discussed. So, there is a need to construct a common frame work to evaluate the performance of certificate based authentication protocols for MANETs. This framework is based on two pillars. One is to survey some of the existing authentication mechanisms for MANETs and identify the needs of a secure authentication mechanism for MANETs in the context of distributed authentication. Second is the derivation of metrics to evaluate the performance of certificate based authentication schemes is done.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Authentication schemes ad-hoc and sensor networks mobility model metrics evaluation.