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Personality Type Assessment System by using Enneagram-Graphology Techniques on Digital Handwriting

by Dian Pratiwi, Gatot Budi Santoso, Fiqih Hana Saputri
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 147 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Dian Pratiwi, Gatot Budi Santoso, Fiqih Hana Saputri

Dian Pratiwi, Gatot Budi Santoso, Fiqih Hana Saputri . Personality Type Assessment System by using Enneagram-Graphology Techniques on Digital Handwriting. International Journal of Computer Applications. 147, 11 ( Aug 2016), 9-13. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016911181

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This research was conducted with the aim of developing previous studies that have successfully applied the science of graphology to analyze digital handwriting and characteristics of his personality through shape based feature extraction, which in the present study will be applied one method of psychological tests commonly used by psychologists to recognize human’s personality that is Enneagram. The Enneagram method in principle will classify the personality traits of a person into nine types through a series of questions, which then calculated the amount of the overall weight of the answer. Thickness is what will provide direction personality type, which will then be matched with the personality type of the result of the graphology analysis of the handwriting. Personality type of handwritten analysis results is processed based on the personality traits that are the result of the identification of a combination of four dominant form of handwriting through the software output of previous studies, that Slant (tilt writing), Size (font size), Baseline, and Breaks (respite each word). From the results of this research can be found there is a correlation between personality analysis based on the psychology science to the graphology science, which results matching personality types by 81.6% of 49 respondents data who successfully tested.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Graphology Enneagram Psychology Personality Handwritten.