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Preserving Privacy and Optimizing Neural Network Classification by using a Mix of Soft Computing Techniques

by Majid Bashir Malik, M. Asger, Rashid Ali, Tasleem Arif
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 147 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Majid Bashir Malik, M. Asger, Rashid Ali, Tasleem Arif

Majid Bashir Malik, M. Asger, Rashid Ali, Tasleem Arif . Preserving Privacy and Optimizing Neural Network Classification by using a Mix of Soft Computing Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 147, 10 ( Aug 2016), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016911188

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%A Tasleem Arif
%T Preserving Privacy and Optimizing Neural Network Classification by using a Mix of Soft Computing Techniques
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An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) commonly called as Neural Network (NN) is a mathematical tool that is used in data mining for the analysis of data. Inherently human brain has its own limitations, the inability to handle large volumes of data being one of them. NNs with its power to handle large volumes of data along with imitation of human brain provides good solutions where the size of data is too large, beyond human interpretation capacity or beyond the capacity of conventional computational methods. NNs find applicability in healthcare among other fields like business, genetics, bioinformatics, pharmaceuticals, etc. NNs are mostly not used in data mining due to the reason that it takes lots of time for training of the networks. But as far as the utility of NNs in data mining is concerned, it is a valuable technique. Data mining in general and NNs in particular are being used in various areas where privacy of individuals is at stake. This study attempts to optimize the results of NN classification on one hand and address the problem of training time consumption on the other along with preserving privacy of the stakeholders.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Privacy NNs fuzzification rough sets confusion matrix fuzzy membership function