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The Study Edge Detection of Medical Images using Transformation Techniques and Filteration Methods

by Harneet Kaur, Ishpreet Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 146 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Harneet Kaur, Ishpreet Singh

Harneet Kaur, Ishpreet Singh . The Study Edge Detection of Medical Images using Transformation Techniques and Filteration Methods. International Journal of Computer Applications. 146, 12 ( Jul 2016), 39-42. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016910960

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title = { The Study Edge Detection of Medical Images using Transformation Techniques and Filteration Methods },
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Edge is an essential characteristic of an image. Edges can be defined as boundary between two different regions in an image. Edge detection refers to the progression of identify and locate sharp discontinuities in an image. Edge detection processes considerably reduce the quantity of data and filters out useless information, while preserving the essential structural property in an image. Because computer apparition involves the recognition and classification of objects in an image, edge detections is a vital tool. Edge is a basic and important feature of an image. Image is a combination of edges. Detecting edges is one of the mainly significant features in image segmentation. Edge detection is a vital step as it is a process of identifying and locates sharp dis-continuities in a representation. In this paper, the main intend is to swot edge detection process based on different techniques and most commonly used edge detection techniques such as Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts, Canny, and Laplacian Gaussian.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Edge Detection Filters Process of detection process canny and Sobel techniques.