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Survey on Data-intensive Applications, Tools and Techniques for Mining Unstructured Data

by Santhosh Voruganti
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 146 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Santhosh Voruganti

Santhosh Voruganti . Survey on Data-intensive Applications, Tools and Techniques for Mining Unstructured Data. International Journal of Computer Applications. 146, 12 ( Jul 2016), 23-27. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016910946

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Due to the swift growth of WWW there has been large volume of information is produced and shared by various administrations in nearly every business, industry and other fields. Due to this high explosion it’s really a big challenge to store, manage and access knowledge. Experts estimate that 80 to 90 percent of the data in any organization is unstructured. And the amount of unstructured data in enterprises is growing significantly. Often many times faster than structured databases .Unstructured data files often include text and multimedia content. Examples include e-mail messages, word processing documents, pdfs ,videos, photos, audio files, presentations, web pages and many other kinds of business documents. A huge amount of information spread across the web poses a major challenge in identifying relevant information. Existing tools lack analysis and visualization capabilities and traditional result displays long list of documents instead of providing concrete answers. This paper discusses various methods,tools and techniques for mining unstructured data that enables better data analysis and visualization.

  1. Data Mining with Big Data Xindong Wu, Fellow, IEEE, Xingquan Zhu, Senior Member, IEEE,Gong-Qing Wu, and Wei Ding, Senior Member, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 26, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014
  2. Integrating Predictive Analytics and Social Media Yafeng Lu, Robert Kr¨uger, Student Member, IEEE, Dennis Thom, Feng Wang,Steffen Koch, Member, IEEE, Thomas Ertl, Member, IEEE, and Ross Maciejewski, Member.
  3. Handling Unstructured Data for Semantic Web – A Natural Language Processing Approach Hemant Kumud Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology (SJET) ISSN 2321-435X (Online) Sch. J. Eng. Tech., 2014; 2(2A):193-196
  4. A Recent Survey on Unstructured Data to Structured Data in Distributed Data Mining Padmapriya et al, Int.J. Computer Technology & Applications ,Vol 5 (2),338-344 ISSN:2229-6093
  5. Approaches for Managing and Analyzing Unstructured Data N. Veeranjaneyulu, M. Nirupama Bhat, A. Raghunath School of Computing, Vignan’s University, Guntur, India International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
  6. F. S. Gharehchopogh Hacettepe University Department Computer Engineering Ankara, Turkey Z. A. Khalifelu IAU Branch of Shabestar Department of Computer Engineering Shabestar, Iran Analysis and Evaluation of Unstructured Data:Text Mining versus Natural Language Processing
  7. The Case for a Structured Approach to Managing Unstructured Data AnHai Doan, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Akanksha Baid, Xiaoyong Chai, Fei Chen, Ting Chen, Eric Chu, Pedro DeRose, Byron Gao, Chaitanya Gokhale, Jiansheng Huang, Warren Shen, Ba-Quy Vuong University of Wisconsin-Madison
  8. The Acumen and Acuity of Data Mining and Text Mining Anjali Jivani, Jait Purohit, Kaushal Patel Comp Science & Engineering MSU Baroda, India Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2014 ISSN: 2277 128X Available online at:
  9. A Benchmark Suite for Unstructured Data Processing Clinton Wills Smullen, IV Shahrukh Rohinton Tarapore Sudhanva Gurumurthi Department of Computer Science University of Virginia Charlottesville VA 22904 {cws3k,shahrukh,gurumurthi}
  10. Storing of Unstructured data into Mongo DB using Consistent Hashing Algorithm Saranraj Sankarapandi PG Scholar, IIIT-Srirangam, Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu, India. Dr. M. Sai Baba Associate Director, RMG, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu, India. S. Jayanthi Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,Anna University, BIT Campus Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu, India. E.Soundararajan Scientific Officer/E,SIRD ,Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Researc
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Unstructured data structured data data mining text mining machine learning DGE model.