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A Roadmap for the Adoption of Government E-payments in Kenya

by Bonface I. Asiligwa, Elijah I. Omwenga
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 144 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Bonface I. Asiligwa, Elijah I. Omwenga

Bonface I. Asiligwa, Elijah I. Omwenga . A Roadmap for the Adoption of Government E-payments in Kenya. International Journal of Computer Applications. 144, 1 ( Jun 2016), 8-18. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016910062

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Analogous to the Motorists roadmap that shows the roads, directions and distances to a destination of a given region [1]. A roadmap in this context is a detailed guideline that answers the “why-what-how" questions and lay out the required actions, the "to-do's." towards adoption of e-payments in the government of Kenya. For Over a decade, the government of Kenya grappled with the idea of implementing a national payment gateway through which all payments for government services, levies, duties, and fines were to be electronically made. For a long period industry players and policy makers in government had unsuccessfully developed varied strategies of achieving a cashless government payment system. These efforts have failed to yield due to lack of a comprehensive roadmap that addressed pertinent issues that had to be dealt with for e-payments in government to be fully adopted. This research was done by conducting a survey study on the government of Kenya on the adoption of e-payments. A random sample of the research population was drawn from ICT and Finance employees of 262 state corporations, 19 Ministries, and 47 counties to which a questionnaire was administered to gain an understanding and information on why there had been low uptake of e-payments in the government of Kenya. The data collected was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively using descriptive statistical techniques. The results from this analysis have been used to propose a roadmap for the adoption of e-payments in the government of Kenya and any other similar setting.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Adoption Roadmap Change management e-Payments e-government Adoption Stakeholder engagement information security