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Catalogue of Hybrid Video Watermarking Techniques

by Manoj Kumar, Sandeep Gupta, Arnold Hensman
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 143 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Manoj Kumar, Sandeep Gupta, Arnold Hensman

Manoj Kumar, Sandeep Gupta, Arnold Hensman . Catalogue of Hybrid Video Watermarking Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 143, 9 ( Jun 2016), 12-18. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016910336

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Authentication and copyright protection of digital data is a matter of big concern in the present times. As forgery techniques are becoming more sophisticated day by day, incidents of copying and tampering of digital data without the owner’s permission are on the rise. Digital data can be manipulated and copied easily, therefore it becomes important to protect owner data by using some rights protection system. In this paper, various approaches to protect digital data (Audio, Video etc.) using watermarking techniques are discussed. Watermarking is one of the best approach to protect digital data and prove user authenticity. Watermarking technique provides protection against illegal distribution of digital data. Watermarking is a process to embed some noise tolerant signal in the original signal. This technique is very effective against various types of attacks on the digital data and hence provides a robust solution for data theft cases. This paper is a review of different watermarking techniques for protecting digital data.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Video Watermarking Data Security User Authenticity